9 Evolve Digitally

Begital - Digital Transformation Consultants

Necessity to Take a Longer (Evolutionary) View and a Shorter Response Time to Disruptions:

More than half of the Fortune 500 companies have learned it the hard way and too late, that time-to-market is not only about selling products faster than competition, but also reacting to life threatening disruptions. Digital is not a hype to be dismissed for too long, and it must have felt for those extinct corporations like a ghost train appearing in their tracks out of nowhere.

Governance is required to make sustainability not an oversight but an overseeing capability embedded in strategic transformation initiatives. Do not initiate digital transformation, without digital governance. Reactions to disruptions should not destroy the organisation, to become an adaptive enterprise: start the journey from analogue to digital as a way of sustaining and securing success as a survival strategy that can be supervised and steered.

So the first rule (we are starting from the last number) of digital transformation for success is to take a longer view for sustainability, and lead digital transformation initiatives for a better future to survive and thrive through the digital age. The view has to be longer than the digitalization goals of the short term, as there is still a fourth industrial revolution in the making that will transform societies and business ecosystems in unforeseeable ways. Digital is not an objective per se, but an enabling step in the evolution of mankind.

See also: Homo Informaticus, Homo Digitalis, Homo Roboticus, Homo Artificialis, Homo Universalis


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